With Disney’s biggest budget to date, of around $300 million, John Carter was set to be a big franchise event.
John Carter is a sci-fi action adventure, based on the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, about an ex-military officer from the American civil war who accidently gets teleported to Barsoom (Mars), where he gains powers due to the gravitational difference compared to Earth. He gets involved in the civil war that is taking place on Barsoom and fights to save the Princess of Helium from a horrible marriage. Carter rounds up the inhabitants to fight on his side and saves the day and, of course, falls in love with the princess of Helium and ends up marrying her to become John Carter of Mars.
This film shares many similarities with Avatar through the foreign world and war between inhabitants as well as its americentric views on the world. It offers action and adventure but the story seems to lack a certain depth.
The film was released in many cinemas across the UK in imax. Imax for those of you that don’t know, is a more immersive movie experience. Two projectors are used meaning the image is clearer and larger and the surround sound is phenomenal. John Carter definitely looked fantastic in imax and made the film worth seeing.
Overall this sci-fi action adventure offers an enjoyable experience for the family with a story that transcends time, space and encounters a lot of action, despites its predictability.
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