Film is one of the most powerful forms of media that we have in our society. It can be used to challenge our assumptions, perceptions and open our minds to the voices of others. It is important, therefore, that we understand film and the messages they often express.

Friday, 18 May 2012


With the release of Ridley Scott's prequel to the Alien films looming ever closer there is a new trailer to wet our appetites.

However this trailer seems to reveal an awful lot of the plot, despite the attempts to keep the twist and turns hidden. You could probably figure out what is going to happen in this film by watching this trailer. So has the PR campaign gone too far and revealed too much?

Apparently it is in the last 10 minutes of the film are where all the secrets are kept, but the trailer does not hesitate to show us, what seems to look like, a lot of footage from the end of the film. It is an interesting approach to film PR, but I guess we will not know for certain whether too much has been revealed until we are able to watch the film ourselves. I am definitely very excited to see this film after watching this trailer.

You can watch the trailer below.

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